
How to become a bodybuilder

            How to become a bodybuilder Bodybuilding is a passion.anyone can be  a bodybuilder.T he most important thing that you have to do is you should have dedication for this .The sound should came from your heart that "I WANT TO BE A BODYBUILDEE". Some simple step that can help you to fulfill your dream. When you are redy for become fit and look sexy as well as strosger than we going to the main part of this topic . 3 thing you have to remember Fist of all - 1.Right Exercise 2.Right nutration 3.Right sleep This are the 3 principle /rule of bodybuilding.If you can maintain this three rules no one can stop you to achivee a great body shape. Right Exercise To develop your muscle you have to do right exercise with right need to do evry exercise in a specific manner .Hard work give you success.Conect your mind  to the muscle that you work today. Trust your choch and do whatever he says . ...

Compound exercises

1.Squats- The most importent workout of lower body is the squat .Its help you to increase the metabolism of your body and increase the stamina and power.The perfect way of squat is given bellow .you can see the vediv for more information. 2.Deadlift- deadlift work on various muscle part of our body.Its mainly work for strong back and hamstring .itsitwork all over the body.from the top of the body to the leg it work very isoletly .The shoulder ,forearm,triceps ,traps and all over the backand lower back also.lets see it in the vedio.            3.Benchpress- The principle of compound exercise is the bench press.for chest muscle devolopmet bench in necessary.There are three type of bench press incline bench press,flat benchpress,dicline benchpress.For full pector muscle devolopment it is the best exercise .plese see the vedio for more information 4.Lat pull down- This important exercise for everyday exercise .The most effective exercise for uper ...

What is natural bodybuilding?

Natural bodybuilding is a msthos that can give you a great physic with out any damage of your health .you can achive a great physic in the natural way The regulation of bodybuilding make the change of scence of bodybuilding .People alwayas find the shortut way to develop there body muscles now we tell some secret of old school bodybuilding the natural way of put on mucsle with out any shit like steroid or any slat . The secret of natural bodybuilding _ Compound exercise Bodyweight exercises Lot of portien intake  Get some rest Sufficient water intake  ProPper sleep Cha nge exerecise rethym every month Best protein powder-